Help Us Do More

We are proud of the work we do, but we can do so much more, with your help. Get involved with Amavinkivonko, and help us to make life better for some of the most deprived people in South Africa.

The Power Of Ten

Let’s face it, ten pounds (or ten dollars, or ten euros) isn’t much for people in the developed world. But in our hands, this kind of donation is immensely powerful. Everyone working for Amavinkivonko gives their time for nothing, so everything we receive in donations goes directly to the people we support. Your ten pounds, dollars or euros will help us by funding many more volunteers, after-school classes, hot meals, warm clothes. Please give whatever you can, and we will make your money work hard.

Sponsor Us

If you run a business, think about sponsoring one of our activities. Put your name to an after-school activity, or a dance-class, or a Christmas party, or more field trips, and you’ll help inspire our young people to develop their full potential. And you don’t need to be a business: as an individual, you can sponsor one of our kids, and help them get a real start in life. Get in touch to talk about ways you can help.

Become A Volunteer

We have about a hundred volunteers, some full-time, mostly part-time and our aim is to have a volunteer on every street. If you have the time and the dedication, you can help us achieve that aim. All it takes is a few hours a week, and you too can make a difference. Talk to us about the ways you can help.

Donate Goods And Equipment

Clothes, shoes, laptops, cell-phones, garden tools, seeds… it will all help people to improve their lives and get out of the cycle of poverty. So if you’re in a position to donate this kind of material and equipment to Amavinkivonko, we want to hear from you.

Anywhere In The World

You don’t need to be in South Africa to help Amavinkivonko. You can donate to us wherever you live, and any company, especially those doing business with South Africa, can sponsor one of our activities. Just get in touch to talk about ways you can get involved – and make a difference.
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